Thursday, November 5, 2009

Part Five

Marie couldn't see the Sniffer and it's Handler when she reached the seafront but she knew it wouldn't loose her track, even getting into the water wouldn't get it completely off but it would give her time, time to prepare a trap.

The morning was clammy and she did not look forward to the swim so the last stretch she ran, full-stop, and dove off the edge of the boathouse. The dark water swallowed her up and the cold seeped through her whole body in no time. She started swimming against the faint current, her coat tangled around her legs and made her heavy and she felt her strength draining faster than she would have liked.

When Marie pulled herself up from the water she was totally exhausted. She lay on the wet ground in the slowly brightening morning and just breathed for a few minutes, every muscle screamed at her and she was already beginning to shiver. Luckily she was near Miss Sarah's house. She knew they where going to look for her there, or they would if they had done their homework, but the two of them had their tricks.

She got up on her feet finally, her trousers, shirt and vest clung to her skin and the leather coat weighed at least twice as much as usual. She stuck a hand into one of the many pockets in the coat and breathed a little easier when she found what she was looking for. Had she lost it in the water things would have become more complicated.

Streaking a hand though her brown hair she braced herself and began moving through the back streets towards Miss Sarah's house. She'd been in worse situations, she was gonna get out of this one too. She just wasn't completely sure how yet.

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