Monday, November 9, 2009

Part Nine

It was easier to disappear during the day. Not even a Sniffer could track her through a throng of people, at least not easily, but despite that she felt that itch at the back of the neck that told her she was being watched and no matter what she did she couldn't loose it. Finally she wrote it off as paranoia and went about her business.
The first stop was Argyle's workshop. Partly it was because she wanted to see if he seemed surprised to see her and partially because she needed a few things only he could create.
When she knocked on the door she held her breath until her friend opened.
"Ah, Marie, I didn't expect you today. Do come inside." His eyes betrayed nothing but he did tap his fingers on the door in their pre-arranged code: something tripped my alarms.
"Well, you know me - I got an idea in my head and couldn't wait." She tapped out her answer on her leg - it wasn't me - before stepping inside. As soon as she was inside the door Argyle pushed it shut and slammed a button next to it. Something sparked and a burst of electricity emanated outwards. The two of them stood silent for a few seconds before Argyle waved her deeper into the cluttered room and went to look at a black screen on one of his mystifying contraptions.
"Seems I got it, means it most likely was mechanical. What the blazes are you up to, Marie?"
"Someone screwed me, Argyle."
"Well, that much is obvious. You made Miss Sarah very nervous."
"I know, I know... Damnation! I hate it when people screw with me"
"You need a cup of tea if anyone ever did." Marie's stomach rumbled loudly. "And a sandwich too it seems."
"Thanks Argyle, you're a doll." He waved dismissively at her.
"Don't mention it. It's only proper to take care of one's best customer." Marie smiled and plunked down in one of the big chairs, then she got up and removed the strange contraption she had accidentally sat down on and sat down again.
She was still holding it when Argyle came back with a tray containing a rather large sandwich and two steaming metal cups.
"What the heck is this? I've been trying to figure it out since I almost smooched it..."
"That? It is part of new breathing apparatus. With it you'd be able to breathe under water without having to trust your life to a two-bit thaumaturge with a fumes addiction and no conscience." Argyle's dislike of magic-users was well known, his life goal was to find a mechanical solution to everything. Marie only nodded at his rant as she set down what probably was the mouthpiece of the breathing machine and reached for the sandwich.
Argyle wound down in his ranting and reached for his own tea mug.
"So, how exactly have you been screwed." Marie swallowed the urge to answer something suggestive just to see Argyle blush.
"Dtrhej sesnfdt a frklgtkinfsg Snjkiffkoe" At Argyles raised eyebrow she finished chewing and tried again. "They sent a freaking Sniffer after me." Argyle whistled, half impressed.
"You must have pissed someone off good..."
"No kidding. So - obviously I have to get rid of it."
"I have just the thing!"

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