To Argyle's benefit he actually worked fast and kept from doing any harm to Marie when she went from pacing to hovering around him as he worked. It was close though and hadn't Miss Sarah stepped in and distracted her boss with a fresh cup of tea Marie might have become more closely familiar with Argyle's instruments than was really healthy.
"I really should have guessed. She doesn't have a smidgen of morals anyway."
"You figured it out? You know how made the little thing?"
"Indeed. I found the signature woven into the wings, really delicately too... if she wasn't such a despicable woman I would almost admire her."
"Who? Who is it?"
"Argyle held up the little metallic fly again. "This is made by Madame Diode, she specializes in miniature invention and has no qualms about using magic in her work either." The wrinkle of his nose said exactly what he thought about that.
"OK, so let's pay Madam Diode a visit and see if she can shed some light on this for us..."
"Well, I better stay here. She won't be too friendly if I am with you. I kind of got her kicked out from the Inventor's Guild." Argyle had the decency to blush as he mentioned this.
"Argyle, really? I am surprised!"
"She was being rude! And wrong!"
Marie chuckled. "I believe ya. We'll go on our own. You go on home and we'll let you know what happens. You can start on my coat! I feel down right naked like this."
"As you wish..." Argyle smiled at Marie and then turned to Miss Sarah and bowed. "Thank you for a lovely afternoon, Miss Sarah, I hope we can take tea together some other time as well. Maybe just the two of us?" The hopeful tone in his voice was heartbreaking.
"I always enjoy a nice cup of tea, dear, but I am afraid I don't have much time right now." As Argyle bent to kiss her hand he missed the quick look of pity that passed over her face.
"I am always at your service." And with that he was out the door and Marie and Sarah looked at each other.
"You are going to have to tell him sometime."
"I know... I just can't bear to break his heart, he's so sweet."
Marie sighed. "Let's get going, maybe we get some information to compare with what Sparky manages to dig up..."
"Right behind you, boss"
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